Sunday, February 24, 2013

The big news

Hi there,

I am returning to blogging.

I've been pretty useless at this and each year I make it my New Year's resolution to start blogging again. This year we got a little added incentive a couple of days into the new year when Team Golding found out that we will be expanding by one. Yes, it took my wife becoming pregnant to finally get me to return to blogging. Sometimes New Year's resolutions are easier to fulfill.

The Draft Pick is due to arrive in September.

Who knew that this was training?
One of the things that happens when you're pregnant is that loads of people will give you advice. Most of it is pretty good advice. Actually I have no idea if its good advice - the people giving the tend to have more experience at being parents or expectant parents than I do so right now I'm taking pretty much all the advice I can get. Anyway, our good friend Sanna, keeps this incredible blog that allows us to keep up to date with Team Gable, that's her posse of cute little men, and I'm taking her advice that having a blog is a great way to share with people whats going on with your family.

This is a work in progress and if you have followed my writing career in the past few years you will know that I am rather ill disciplined at keeping people up to date. I will try my best and let you all know how things are going as we go along this adventure together.

The adventure began unlike the way you see it in the movies. I got home to my wife who said she thought she was pregnant but wasn't sure. The reason for the uncertainty was that the test she was using shows you a "+" sign if you're positive and a "-" if you're not. We had neither; instead we had a "I" line. After dinner we decided to go to CVS and get a new test. Once again the overwhelming choices that consumers have in America came to the fore. Did we want a normal pregnancy test, or an "early" pregnancy test (both of which were more than 99% accurate). We chose the early one with a digital display. No confusing signs that needed a a hero from a Dan Browne novel to decipher - this thing just gave us the amazing news " Pregnant". Life has been incredible ever since.
