Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Fruit Salad

We are officially now in week 15. That's according to the app on my phone from Babycenter.com. According to them the baby is now the size of an apple. When I first signed up on the site they said the baby was the size of a raspberry, last week it was the size of a lemon. I'm almost tempted to cheat and re-register the due date so I can find out what fruit the little one is going to be next week.

Erin, Tonic and Charlie (The cat's toy stuffed lion)
Really what you are most interested in knowing is how Erin is doing (that's what everyone asks me). The little mama-elect has made it through the first trimester and thankfully did not have too many bouts of nausea. She has been feeling super tired though. Luckily she is a champion napper and has been training for many years to be able to properly enjoy this time when she needs to sleep for hours on a weekend afternoon. She also has a great support crew - Tanqueray and Tonic are more than happy to curl up next to her and keep her company during her afternoon snoozing.

We have been having a blast of late because we have finally been able to tell people. Thank you to all the people who told me that they think I'm going to be an amazing dad. An even more special thank you to my friend Emma for giving me a book called "Dude, you're going to be a dad"  - its useful in case everyone else is wrong. Just to cover my bases I gave Erin a pregnancy book of her own. She is a much better student than I am so the baby should be in good hands.

Of course as soon as we tell people, one of the first things they ask about is how the grandparents-elect are doing. In their defense they have been rather well behaved and only once did one of them tell the news before they were supposed to (David) and only once has one of them broken the rule about not yet posting anything on Facebook (David). We have just confirmed that my parents are going to be coming over in November and will be here for Thanksgiving. My in-laws and the Draft Pick's aunt-in-training, Leslie, are also planning on coming down to DC. A full house for Thanksgiving - the kid hasn't even been born yet and s/he's already drawing a crowd.

I wont lie though, it hasn't been all plain sailing. Soon after the excitement hits you about being pregnant then comes the sobering reality that you now have to slay the mighty dragon that is DC daycare. Instead of teaching us the story of Apple or Walmart in my MBA, they really should have taught us about the business model of daycare. With crazy high fees and a 12 to 18 month waiting list, the daycare adventure can feel a bit like a racket.  That said we recently went to visit a daycare facility and I was totally blown away at the care and exposure infants, toddlers and little kids get. The place we saw is completely bilingual and by the time your child is 4 they are already fluent in English and Spanish. And to think I can barely remember how to speak Afrikaans.

Life isn't only about pregnancy for the two of us. A couple of weeks ago I got to tick off one of my bucket list items as we went down to Chapel Hill and attended a UNC-Duke game. It was an amazing experience...Up until the opening tip-off - after that UNC got killed. We did use the opportunity to buy the baby its first piece of clothing - a little Carolina blue UNC t-shirt.
Look...its a picture of Erin and I at (another) sports event
More news to come...I promise...
