Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The IKEA diaries

So it appears that this poor blog is suffering from the same fate of my previous blogging efforts - I keep getting distracted. My friend Amanda calls its my "Ooo shiny" complex that prevents me from concentrating on any one thing for an extended period of time. While this little behavior trait of mine can be a lot of fun (never a dull moment) it also makes it difficult to maintain a regular blog (and can drive a pregnant wife insane at times). My apologies if you've been waiting patiently for an update. We've been rather busy and in the middle of all the running around and lazing on the beach I sometimes forget to tell you all about it. I promise to do better.
got bump?

The plus about being busy is that I have lots of material to share. Not that I need much extra material when you consider the reason for this blog is that we have a little princess joining us in just under 4 months time...EEK! That seems rather close all of a sudden. The little possum weighs about a pound now and is the size of an ear of corn. I got to feel her kick for the first time after we played her some classical music using these nifty belly speakers. She either likes classical music or hates it - either way it's supposedly improving her brain function and driving her to kick out. While it was just one small kick for a little baby, it was one giant skip of a heartbeat for her father. Every now and then we get reminded just how mind blowing this whole process is.

Not all of the "the process" is fun and cuddly, however; some of it involves IKEA. My time in the States could very well be told as a series of episodes of going to IKEA and then coming home and to assembling furniture (I separate these stages out because the purchasing and the assembly are two very distinct tasks with their own unique challenges). When I first got here, IKEA was how I started off my apartment. A simple desk, a book case, a wok, some cutlery, a coffee table. Then when Erin moved in my needs changed (they also became our needs) and we went and got some storage for clothes, a dining room table, a cabinet for the giant TV, picture frames for the walls (the walls are the last thing single guys decorate), another desk, bedside pedestals, lamps to go on those pedestals...Then we rested. Fast forward a few years and we needed a place to put all of our wedding gifts so we got a couple of new cabinets (at this stage we considered ourselves as IKEA pros so we got high end IKEA with glass shelves and fancy down-lights) and a replacement wok. A year and a half later we are back at IKEA, this time for a crib, a changing table and a kid friendly dresser. We own so much IKEA that one of the major reasons we got our baby furniture there was because it goes with everything else in our apartment. The other reason was that we needed to get ourselves a new wok!
Even Tonic is helping with the IKEA assembly

This past few weeks have not been all work and no play. We are pregnant after all, not dead! We recently had the great opportunity to attend a wedding in the Dominican Republic of our wonderful friends Lillian and Cristobal. Lillian had been a bridesmaid at our wedding, and this April Erin got to return the favor. Little did Lillian know that she when she asked Erin that she would also be getting an extra half a bridesmaid to help out. The trip turned into a bit of a "babymoon" as we took some time to chill at the beach at all inclusive resort near Punta Cana. And as evidenced by the picture on the right, Erin is bringing sexy back to the maternity look.

As always post comments and let us know what's your news. 

Living the dream...while assembling furniture with a power drill
aL (need to have something here in pink - its a girl after all)