Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Sabrina!

Hello world, I'm Sabrina and I'm one week old today.

Baby girl Golding at a Nats game
A week??? How the hell did that happen. Let's back up a little since the last post. When we were last together, it was min dae till the due date but our little one seemed super comfy in her mommy's belly. As a result we spent the last week still very much out and about. We went off to Wolftrap to picnic and watch the "Sound of Music" and the next night went off to watch the Nationals play. Baby Girl Golding already has something of a flair for the dramatic though, and decided that she would put the labor into Labor Day, with Erin's water breaking at 5am last Monday morning. And then she became the only baby we know to arrive on her due date of September 3rd.

The hospital had plenty of adventures but its a lot like Vegas in that you don't share the messy details after the fact. The hospital stay can be shortly summarized as follows: 28 hours after getting admitted to the hospital, our world changed and Sabrina Anne Golding was born. She joins this world in the same year as a prince and a baby panda. When I last checked, her birth announcement already had nearly 500 "likes" on Facebook. She is clearly receiving just as much social media buzz as those other two babies. Interestingly. Will and Kate were married in the same year as us and have given birth in the same year too. Does this mean that our little one will one day be a princess? Too late, she's already my princess!

Not surprisingly I was born a Nats fan
A week has gone by and I'm embarrassed to admit that we have become "those" people. We are now part of that club that gets excited about every detail of our baby's life. How often she poops, the sound she makes when she hiccups (somehow its cuter than when adults do it), whether she wiggled her arms around, the cute positions she sleeps in. I have seen my friends do this but now finally understand why. Who knew that staring at a baby all day could be such an amazing way to spend your time.

The start of parenting has also meant that we have got to use some of the baby gear that we accumulated in preparation for the great arrival. I am one of the world's greatest online shoppers and used my jedi skills to research on pretty much every piece of baby junk that child needs (or doesn't need but their parents really want to own). However, one item that had escaped my radar was a wipe warmer. It may sound ridiculous, but let me tell you at at 3AM, when you're busy changing a dirty diaper, your newborn baby greatly appreciates a warm wipe touching her cute little bum. Many thanks to our good mates, Kurt and Vee, for getting us this amazing contraption which has already greatly reduced the amount of night time crying. 
This is the same cradle Erin had as a baby

On the topic of night times, I am amazed at how functional you can be with only 3-4 hours of sleep. Granted Erin is having to do most of the heavy lifting (the price of having boobs). That said, I do have an embarrassing story of what happens when one tries to do something without being aware of your fatigue level. On the day we returned home from the hospital I decided to do laundry. Half an hour later I went down to move the laundry to the dryer but realized that while the laundry was wet, the stains hadn't been removed. This is what happens when you run the laundry without using any detergent. Undeterred I reran the laundry, came back later and successfully put it all in the dryer. When I returned to pick it all up though, the laundry was still wet - I had forgotten to press the "Start" button on the dryer. It is a good thing that I'm not being asked to operate heavy machinery.

And poof, Sabrina is a week old. I wont lie I'm a little sad about this. I realized yesterday that we will never again speak about her age just in the number of days. I wonder if this is part of what people mean when they say that your kids grow up way too quickly in front of your eyes. If that's the case, I need to stop blogging and go play with my daughter. 

Till next time,

One happy grandma
Watching sport with her dad
Team Golding
Did you see her cheeks? She looks like me!
New baby? New bed for me!

The Ladies Golding