Monday, April 1, 2013

Mobile Blogging...

So this me blogging FROM MY PHONE!

I'm too cool for school. If I'd known it was this easy to get my thoughts on to the internets I woulda did this ages ago.

The sun is in Aries and so many good things are afoot and my birthday is around the corner. One place the sun is not is Washington DC. We have been keeping up with some spring cleaning except while we've been doing the cleaning no-one brought the spring. It snowed on Sunday and Monday. Proper snow. Not DC snow day snow.

Weird thing about mobile blogging is that it's hard to tell how much you've written.

In other news, our beloved car Snowball Fierce has been traded in and we are now proud owners of a Nissan Rogue. Two door cars don't work so well with car seats so it prompted a change. This is a big deal because I married the only American girl who loves driving a manual car. I'm super excited about driving an automatic again and given how bad I am at parking, having a car with a rear view camera is a massive bonus.  The car is yet to be named but I have bought some Carolina licence plate holders to give it some additional swag.

Easter has now come and gone. The Easter bunny was good to Erin and I and dropped off a couple of Lindt chocolate bunnies. Little did I know that one of them was for the cat.

The baby is now the size of an avocado. I'll be honest I didn't guess that fruit.

More news to come

PS Be sure to leave comment below
Erin and the new chariot
Look what the Easter furball left for me


  1. It feels like you just past me on our life lines with that car. I need to buy a house.

  2. Nice, big, shiny vee-hee-cle. Lovely wife, too.
